# Editor shortcuts

You can edit and format content a few different ways depending on what makes you happy and productive.

action shortcut command markdown shortcut menu bar item
bold ctrl+b or cmd+b **text** , __text__ ✔️
italic ctrl+i or cmd+i _text_, *text* ✔️
strikethrough ctrl+d or cmd+d ~text~ ✔️
underline ctrl+u or cmd+u ✔️
inline code code enabled code ✔️
heading level 1 shift+ctrl+1 # heading ✔️
heading level 2 shift+ctrl+2 ## heading ✔️
heading level 3 shift+ctrl+3 ### heading ✔️
bullet list item shift+ctrl+8 * item, - item ✔️
ordered list item shift+ctrl+9 1.item, 2.item, etc. ✔️
blockquote > quote ✔️
generic code block code enabled ``` + space ✔️
language-specific code block code enabled ``` + language
horizontal rule --- ✔️
to-do item ✔️
presentation slide ✔️
table ✔️
undo ctrl+z or cmd+z ✔️
save document ctrl+s or cmd+s